International Society's memberhip is open to all interested
in arts and culture. As International Society grows, we
wish to share the excitement with more friends. Please
join us. Your support is important to us..Your annual
tax deductible membership fee will help our organization
maintain and further develop its fine programs
Members are entitled to reduced admission fees to special
events and stage performances.
Membership Application Form
I would like to join the International Society as a:
Golden Benefactor: ($1,000+) _______
Benefactor ($500 +) _____
Patron: $250 __________
Sponsor: $120 _________
Family: $50 ___________
Regular: $30 __________
Student: $15 __________
Name ____________________________________
Address __________________________________ _________________________________________
Phone: ______________- _____________________
email: ______________________________________
Please send your application form and a check to
International Society
276 Tremont Streeet
Boston, MA 02116